Travel Blogs

Below are two different travel blogs that Clark and his wife Michelle have maintained over the years. One blog for their sailing life and the other for their trawler life. Enjoy!

We traveled almost 50,000 miles on our beloved Roam(s). We owned two Nordhavns, both named ROAM. Our Nordhavn 47 was our first experience with trawler cruising. We upgraded to a Nordhavn 55 with plans for a world cruise, but Covid changed our plans permanently. This is our trawler travel blog:

We owned and cruised on Double Wide, our Manta 40 for over 10 years. During that time, we were still working in Texas and the boat lived in Ingleside on the Bay, but every year, we sailed across the Gulf of Mexico so that we could spend 3-4 months in the Florida Keys and our beloved Bahamas. This is our cruising blog from those times: